Hi, my name's Tim Horvath! I'm a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist Associate specializing in marital and premarital relationship issues, and sex issues. 

I help couples solve their issues and bring enjoyment and meaning back to their relationship. 

My passion for therapy was sparked by my personal experience of my parents' divorce when I was 15 years old. Although my parents sought out marital therapy, they were not able to find the help they needed, and my family still feels the impact of divorce today.

My passion for strengthening marriages and families grew out of the deep pain I felt from my fractured family. Knowing that this is not the way my family was meant to be gives me a longing to help make this right for others.


How to Change the World

Every person can make a difference in the world. How? Simply by focusing on the people directly around them. The people we influence most directly are our family. 

'Family' may look completely different for each of us, but the greatest sphere of influence starts with parents. As children our parents influenced us both genetically and socially, and as parents we do the same with our children. One of the strongest predictors of child outcomes is what their family life was like.

When we enter into a close, intimate relationship with another person, we are forced to face our deepest flaws. I believe one of the greatest purposes of marriage is to challenge a person's character. As individuals we must move past our selfishness and become better people. 

"Change begins at home” is both a model of therapy, and also a belief that each person has the ability to change the world starting in their own home.

Change has a ripple effect which impacts individuals, families, communities, and beyond.

My practice is completely mobile! I serve couples & families in Durham, Chapel Hill, Raleigh, Cary, and neighboring cities. Please contact me with more questions and to schedule your session.